How to check the level of home education jpg

(0)It’s really obvious whether you received the home education well or not. Watch it on the One Top 626
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5 months ago 20191124 1926 Inquiry 36760 Write address copy perm allowed

(1)When I invited him to my house,
(2)I can really see it.
(3)Opening the refrigerator carelessly

(4)Digging from place to place

(5)Lying down on the bed in outdoor clothes 100 times is a different lifestyle
I think this can happen

(6)④ Excellent fan

(7)If you feel like you didn’t get a home education, teach me like you’re a friend like you’re a mom and dad, don’t swear behind my back, you’ll meet your parents and learn in a warm house, but some of them live in a single room, go to work, see the dawn, see the moon, and grow up in a house, and I don’t have a bed at home, so I think I’ll just stay in an empty refrigerator.


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