What happens when you drink Purun juice wrong.

(0)The one with the constipation drank the wrong Feeldog Prun juice and went to pick it up

(1)I haven’t had a bowel movement for days, so I drank half a bottle of
Taylor Prunjuice Deepwater, which was in the fridge for a long time,
Wife drank the other half and drank the whole bottle of the original, but I was scared, so I took half of it.
(2)I didn’t respond for hours, so I let my guard down, but suddenly my lower stomach popped and I felt like it was going to explode, and my stomach hurt so much that I started fighting.
(3)My wife’s out now, too.
I looked down on her too much. Help me.
Each of us has a bathroom and we’re struggling.
(4)People with constipation, go drink a bottle right now.
You’ll experience a new world.
(5)Leave natural constipation pills alone
Why do people buy constipation pills!!

(6)Please leave a comment.

Director Conte


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