A story about a freshman with a female senior.

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(1)It’s a story that’s like 19J, N, B, and S.
(2)cc56f4c7 14 14 days ago
(3)There was a female senior who liked drinking in the department who was funny, ugly, funny, but a bit sick.
(4)At the freshman welcome party, she’ll drink alcohol and act like a bs and s.
(5)b We became close because we thought it would be fun to play together.
(6)The male seniors also recommend me that it’s fun when I get close.
(7)We got close because we gave it to each other, but now that I see it, I think it was intended.
(8)A few days later, I realized that the male seniors couldn’t handle this sister and needed a pushover to leave her somewhere.
(9)When the three of us were drinking together, she ran away after catching a kiss.
(10)The next day, he apologized and said he would buy me a meal, so he went out with the thought that he wouldn’t drink from now on.
(11)Even if I ask her to tell me the house because she didn’t greet me well from lunch, she’ll come in and pick me up.
(12)I was embarrassed, so I took him to a nearby motel and took him to a nearby motel to lie down, so he threw up on the sheet and his clothes.
(13)I called the front desk, asked her to change the seat, threw her clothes in the bathtub, bought three 10,000 won t-shirts and 10,000 won weird pants at a nearby store, and went back to the motel.
(14)I threw it in the bathtub, threw up again, said, “Nuna, wake up,” and he spat on my cheek and told me to take off my clothes.
(15)When I asked if I could wash alone if I took off my clothes, he shouted that I could do it, so I took off my clothes, and I was young at the age of 20, and my chest was gong jjong.
(16)I was taking it off, and she took off my pants and said, “I’ll wash the persimmons with my red pepper in my mouth, and I’ll do it for you if I wash it.”
(17)He asked me to wash him, but after I washed all the water, I didn’t look good either.
(18)But when I laid her down on her bed, I fell in love with her, and I was sleeping while lying down, but something was rustling.
(19)She was touching me, so I asked her what she was doing, and she said she would do it for me, and she said she would do it for me.
(20)I was doing it fast, but it felt so good that I grabbed your head and shook it without realizing it.
(21)Coughing and then being cursed at as crazy as he is and inserting it as it is because I’m doing condoms, so it’s a safe day, so it’s okay.
(22)When I tried to take it out because I thought it was going to be cheap, he said, “Wrap it inside.” The day after the wrap, he said, “Yes, I’m a gamer.”
(23)I was surprised for a moment and said, “I’m serious,” and he said, “I’m kidding. I’m wearing a 10,000 won white T-shirt, and I saw a no-brara inside.
(24)When I touched my chest, I ignored that I had a class and took off my clothes, and this time, I washed it hard.
(25)And then I’ll insert it and wrap it inside, so I’ll get pregnant.
(26)Go, he’s the father. He freaked me out. He said it was a joke.
(27)It turns out there were three more freshmen boys who were picked like this and some of the seniors.
(28)I liked it, but I was shocked to hear that, so I went to the army right away. When I talk about my first experience, I still think of it, so I say that it’s my first girlfriend after being discharged from the military.
(29)Q Not recommended □ Recommendation 2

image text translation

(1)0 comments.
(2)14 days ago
(3) 954afc80 But what’s the psychology of picking up men? Is it a sense of conquest? If I think I’m a woman, I think it’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s men’s women, but I’m quick to pack and I don’t have skills.
(4) 954afc80 She said now that every time I say “s” and “s” and “s” will remind me of me on the first night of my wedding, even if I look at it now, I think it’s “j” and I understand why everyone likes it.
(5)I still contact her sometimes. And more than anything, it’s easy to seduce.
(6)Ada Bomber ㄷㄷ.
(7)Cooper’s liquid came out.
(8)30 comments.
(9)Draw it with a blue line.


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