40 million YouTubers who said Korea tricked me.

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(1)You can see the water drops and it says fresh.
(2)I thought it was water, but it’s alcohol.

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(1)Look at this.
(2)I stopped by the store and picked up this bottle thinking it was water.

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(1)And it’s a very consultative drink.
(2)It looks like soju that’s very strong.

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(1)Why is it fresh?
(2)Since when do drops of water and fresh mean to drink and get drunk?

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(1)No, I’m just a stupid tourist.
(2)I thought it was water.

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(1)I don’t want to spend a month in Korea behind bars.
(2)Wow, that wasn’t planned.


I don’t know any other country in the Middle East that’s going to jail for drinking water on the streets.

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