The conditions of happiness that I feel as I become in my 40s.

image text translation

(1)So when I was in my 20s,
(2)As long as you study well, you’re the best!
(3)Handsome and tall.
(4)The advantages that these things have
(5)When I was in my early 20s, I grew up a lot.
(6)I think those things will have a huge impact on my happiness, right?
(7)It doesn’t really affect me.
(8)To know how to be happy.
(9)It’s a way to do it.
(10)Too much money is a problem. The Notorious BIG’s song name.
(11)When you’re in your 40s, your life is very divided.
(12)If you look at Cho Seung Youn who’s happy,
(13)I’m still happy.
(14)Happiness itself has its own know-how.

Don’t you think money isn’t everything when you’re in your 40s?

It’s amazing.

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