The reason why the elderly fall into multiple stages.jpg

image text translation

(1)Don’t you run a multi-level welfare center for the elderly?
(2)Kim Sangmoon’s way of doing business is…
(3)How you seduce the elderly…
(5)= Future money
(6)a new sheath
(7)Let’s find out about this fun daecoin.
(8)We’re going to do this.
(9)The first training is Jijeongsis.
(10)the old horse representing Pun
(11)It’s called the currency of the future.
(12)They made it. Just.
(13)It’s a miscellaneous coin, and it’s a total mess.
(14)is a system that can be used as a system.
(15)These days, in the US, with this…
(16)The problem system…
(17)Instead of handing over the land,
(18)I’ll pass on this coin.
(19)That’s it. You know what I’m talking about.
(20)Old people, go to your son.
(21)I’m asking for pocket money.
(22)If we bought land in Gangnam 40 years ago.
(23)The person whose grandchildren are riding right now…
(24)Buying fun-to-coin and making a living…
(25)FUNDAMOIN coin
(26)New Systems Department
(27)Buy Dunda Coin with Shuy Coin.
(28)New test system and wealth
(29)These coins are all being traded.
(30)Even Anse’s worries…
(31)Older people believe in it too well.
(32)They’re people who buy lottery numbers or something like that.
(33)I’m giving a tabloid to young people.
(34)It’s getting valuable because of Ryan who wants to live.
(35)a blind room
(36)Answer the rich man you like with a bunch of money.
(37)Profit certification.
(39)At the time that we decided on,
(40)Manager Bang, I remember you catching an RBI at the timing of the sale!
(41)Anonymous Ryan
(42)I’ll prove my first profit as a beginner.820pm
(43)Ryan who wants to cry.
(44)If you live at one o’clock each day,
(45)This will definitely go up.
(46)Then you can make money.
(47)Wow, that’s a total punk.

It’s based on a true story.

Older people don’t know much about coins.

They’re saying that you can make money because it’s price.

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