One of the unexpected difficulties of restaurant.

image text translation

(1)Refrigerator-free body model Han Hyejin and Lee Hyunyi.
(2)to one’s liking
(3)a customer asking for cupware
(4)Refrigerator Defective Body Model Refrigerator
(5)Han Hyejin and Lee Hyuni.
(6)If you politely refuse,
(7)If I throw this and break it,
(8)I’m gonna get paid.
(9)Lee Hyun can handle things like that in the hall.
(10)Lee Hyun can just say sorry.
(11)It’s something to be sorry!
(12)Saying sorry is like a habit.
(13)Refrigerator Defective Body Top Model Refrigerator
(14)Chef CHOI HYUN SUK doesn’t ask for a plate since it’s a dining restaurant.
(15)silverware set
(16)Chef CHOI HYUN SUK’s cutlery. Fork knife spoons are pretty.
(17)There were 100.
(18)Take everything.
(19)There are three left.
(20)Hanhye, Lee Jinhyun.
(21)Han Hyejin, Lee Hyun.
(22)For teaspoons,
(23)It’s easy to put in.
(24)in one’s pocket
(25)Our restaurant…
(26)I sold it.
(27)Han Hyejin.
(28)Tableware from Bulgaria.
(29)There are so many customers asking for it.
(30)Selling Tableware in Restaurants
(32)But the spoon…
(33)I don’t have any! Whatever.
(34)Hyunjin, please.
(35)Restaurant Opens with Pretty Overseas Tableware
(36)respective data
(37)3 months even if I can’t go.
(38)It’s gone.
(39)Chef Hong Seok Cheon’s How to cope with it.
(40)With a tableware that you can easily fill up again.


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