My friend, Byungshin.

image text translation

(1)My friend, Byungshin.
(2)Number of views for lewdness 304913 recommendations 1549 comments 839.
(3)fmkoreacombest5416284523 복사
(4)My friend watched 4k a few months ago.
(5)Brag about JN to me.
(6)From now on, please excuse me when I text you. I was so excited that I sent it first and told to write the content.
(7)When we talked on the phone yesterday, it wasn’t a big deal even if you watched the 4k video on 4k, but I think it’s similar to when I just used fhd.
(8)It can’t be.
(9)I guess your eyes are damaged.
(10)So I said no and sent him a screenshot.

image text translation

(1)If you take a screenshot, I’ll tell you how to figure out the resolution.
(2)He pretended to know computers well, but he sent another screenshot.
(3)He didn’t reply and stormed home.
(4)I gave her a pack of pork neck that she bought on her way home.
(5)I’m gonna beat your husband up and get out of here. Excuse me.
(6)He smiled and gave me a high five.
(7)I went and saw him watch Netflix.
(8)I’m watching it in Chrome.
(9)Hevc didn’t even turn off the codec.
(10)Only Netflix 4K movies that I heard from somewhere are on the list.
(11)I was thinking about where to start.
(12)Let’s open the pin.
(13)I’ll download Hevc.
(14)I downloaded the Netflix 4K extension app.
(15)Set it up with an edge.
(16)I downloaded Netflix’s Windows app.
(17)I turned on the Edge and the app once and checked that it came out in 4k resolution.
(18)Can you feel the difference now?
(19)He suddenly called me “hyung” and took money out of my friend gave it to me.
(20)Buy something delicious on your way home.
(21)I was on my way home after giving it to my son, but on Kakao Talk,
(22)Only this kept coming.

image text translation

(1)In the comments, 9 hours before 802 porridge.
(2)You pretended to know computers well, but there’s nothing much.
(3)(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
(4)P-TYPE 6 hours ago. 682 comments.
(5)When I watched 4K on the PC, I had to download all of them. I was a fool too.
(6)Hot deal maker, comment 373 6 hours ago.
(7)”How to Ask Questions in Dog Porridge Comgal”
(8)Golden Bible 9 hours ago. 219.
(9)Netflix settings ㄷㅇ


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