Legendary episode about grading the CSATs.jpg

image text translation

(1)107864 General Bulletin Board – You have to take the CSAT with your family.
(2)Raw beef says.
(3)After taking the college entrance exam,
(4)I think I saw it well.
(5)I’ll call my mom and dad and grade them in real time.
(6)Starting with foreign languages.
(7)Both of them scored in the early to mid 90s.
(8)Suddenly, my mom said she’d eat out.
(9)And after a year of passion in mathematics,
(10)Start grading
(11)Cancellation of eating out
(12)It turns out that Type B is scored with Type A answer sheet.
(13)With a sigh of relief, I’ll grade it again.
(14)I feel like I’m going to cry because the year’s hard work went up in smoke.
(15)It’s an odd number, but it’s an even number of answers.
(16)Thank God. Mother cried and packed clothes to go out to eat.
(17)That’s the last memory of that day.


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