You bragged about Lee Daeho on the school violence show.

be beaten up by Lee Dae-ho

quitting baseball

image text translation

(1)Angry at the lack of cleaning by the juniors!
(2)Sports club beating education, which was common at the time.
(3)a boy whose parents are one Seongmin.
(4)I’ve got a few.
(5)Parents are safe boys.
(6)I’m giving myself a hard time.
(7)My parents are dogs.
(8)Oh, you can clean it up.
(9)Maybe not!
(10)a tough junior
(11)The 24th generation that my parents knew.
(12)I squeezed more.
(13)My parents are watching the Danso.
(14)I want to play baseball.
(15)Oh, my!
(16)a tough junior
(17)My parents have been watching this for 4 years.
(18)He left the team.
(19)A boy whose parents didn’t know.

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