The bakers who listened to everything obediently.

image text translation

(1)I put the picture on top of the cake in a USB and gave it to the bakery.
(2)This is the cake they made for me.
(3)Happy birthday, Byungshina.
(4)Hah, hah, hah.
(5)Don’t write this down.
(6)His name is Matt.
(7)Revised 2001
(8)Someone asked what I’m going to write on the cake.
(9)I said nothing.
(10)I don’t need anything else.
(11)I just need chocolate and M&Ms.
(12)Happy birthday to both of you.
(13)The order made two sets of the same thing, happy birthday to both sides of the state, tortured.
(14)I think he asked me to wear it.(Laughs)
(15)Just write happy birthday.
(16)Happy birthday in Spanish.
(17)Sprinkles, please.
(18)A picture of an animal’s foot.
(19)I wrote down what I wanted to draw on the soles of my feet.
(20)as small as possible
(21)Put Nancy in capital letters.
(22)Happy birthday. Just happy birthday.
(23)Wendy and I…
(24)This one on the bottom.
(25)Will you marry me?
(26)Thank you for the perfect
(27)In purple.
(28)My mom ordered a graduation cake with a square fog. I think they got it wrong. AP is a cat = CAT. We understand each other’s cats.(Laughs)
(29)Graduation hat = C
(30)Happy birthday, Comma Laura.
(31)Oh, I’m happy 9th place on top of the cake at the bakery.
(32)I texted him to write my birthday.


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