a rare collection of photographs from history

image text translation

(1)Babe Ruth shakes hands with U.S. President Warren G Harding at Yankee Stadium in April 1923.
(2)Bill Hillary Clinton was playing volleyball in Fayetteville Arkansas, USA 1975.
(3)Grandmother Armeniman, 106, is guarding her home in AK47. Year 1990
(4)The first photo after the discovery of Machu Picchu, 1912.
(5)Neil Bormer and Myinstein Bormer-Myinstein at the Quantum Mechanics Debate.
(6)Bo 707 Gui Ying-bae’s one-round stunt.
(7)When asked about the stunt pilot Tex Johnson Mimi stunt, his answer was just selling airplanes.
(8)Star Wars lunching lol
(9)The launch pad running all the way north is rattling.
(10)Photograph taken two years ago.
(11)New York, Times Square, 1911
(12)Train derailment Gare Montparnasse Paris France 1895
(13)Windows 95 release day lol
(14)The day the Beatles met Muhammad Ali.
(15)An American soldier is turning Madolf Hitler Street into Roosevelt Street. Berlin 1945
(16)Microsoft employees December 7, 1978
(17)American soldiers found Manet’s In the Conservatory painting hidden. 1945 in Germany
(18)Merker 에saltminesof
(19)Porsche 911 Assembly Line Sturgart Factory 1970
(20)Tiger II, one of the heavyweights of the world’s major tanks.
(21)The front gloves were 100-180 mm. Budapest, Hungary, 1944.
(22)A picture of a man blocking a tank during the Tiananmen Square incident A small person seen through a tree slightly above the left angle.
(23)Princeton University freshman ▼ sophomore after a snowball fight in 1893
(24)Martin Luther King Jr. pulls a burnt cross from his front yard. Next to him is his Madeleine Atlanta 1960.
(25)Russia during World War I in a 39 Tomsk infantry machine gun.
(26)New York 1940 May 18 A man is reading a newspaper.A nunnachi is 7th and 5th mile from Paris.


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