There’s actually no way to respond to the sexual assault charges between the two lawyers.

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(1)Subscribe to Daily Ahn.
(2)When I asked the legal profession, 102 was innocent of sexual violence between the two.
(3)Actually, there’s no way to respond.
(4)Input 20230130 AM 511 article text
(5)Reporter Hwang Kihyun, TALK.
(6)1 family.
(7)It is a pledge, but there are no false statistics of sexual violence, so there is no way to change and maliciously sue after normal sexual intercourse, so 4,583 false charges occurred between 2018 and 2021 if the complainant’s statement is inconsistent.
(8)The contradiction of the fact statement that didn’t exist. Impeachment is the best way to have an alibi. Refuse the lie detector.


Not too long ago, there was a case where he reported sexual violence with his college class DNA in his body, and even lawyers said there was no way.

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