The company that topped the list in Bla.

image text translation

(1)Blah blah 5 days
(2)Party of Chong Kun Dang.
(3)Out of the companies that you’ve worked for,
(4)It’s the worst part.
(5)I’m Chong Kun Dang.
(6)Yes, time order. Let’s move to the last comment.
(7)Start-up illllllil
(8)Yes, resignation rate 130% Jobple Rating 11 Company
(9)Alright 30 ● Daggle
(10)View 4 more previous posts
(11)I’ve been to places like this, and I’ve grown up.
(12)I really understand why the resignation rate is so high. Everything is rain.
(13)Good. 246.
(14)Party of Chong Kun Dang.
(15)I’m sorry.
(16)Good. 115.
(17)Government Employees – VMRt30
(18)That’s so funny.
(19)Good, two.
(20)Startup illil
(21)lol what’s the two letter pose lol
(22)Good, 21.
(23)VR Korea, let’s go on this road, Land Rover.
(24)Yeah, let’s win at least in places like this. (Laughs)
(25)All right, 26.
(26)Civil Service – iijjiilg
(27)(Laughs) (Laughs)


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