Violence against parents of school violence victims.jpg

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(1)Daegu Middle School Mass Assault Victimology
(2)Hit your father, too. Start the investigation.
(3)※ Reporter Park Junmin input 20230200822 Comment 0

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(1)Mass assault at a middle school in Daegu
(2)The police launched an investigation into the incident.

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(1)Daegu Nambu Police Station is suspected of assault on the 1st.
(2)It said it has booked third-year middle school students, including Ro A16.
(3)They are accused of assaulting their classmates by wielding their fists at a middle school in Nam-gu on the afternoon of the 31st of last month.
(4)The police, who were dispatched after receiving a report from the school, are investigating the students involved at the scene.

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(1)The classmates who didn’t come to the class that day.
(2)A and his classmates in the hallway got into a quarrel.

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(1)Also, A’s friend B assaulted them.
(2)He was taken to the emergency room, and in the process, A’s father was also reportedly assaulted by related students.
(3)After the assault, the perpetrators were found to have caused a disturbance by calling students from other schools and kicking the classroom door and breaking windows.

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(1)Some students reportedly struggled with police officers.
(2)Police have secured statements from students who were at the scene at the time and are investigating whether they actually participated.


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