A parody cartoon that even the original author acknowledged.

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(1)Well, still…
(2)Jiwoo’s little hat.
(3)He’s our good trainer.Find someone like this.
(4)It’s too old-fashioned.
(5)I think it’s hard.
(6)Wearing such a hat.
(7)with a smile
(8)Get out! Get out!

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(1)They said it’s preference!
(2)Popular Pokemon

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(1)He’s short and has arms and legs.
(2)for business
(3)Shall we go now?

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(1)in a person’s possession
(2)It’s all you.
(5)the act of doing
(8)The trainer…
(9)This male singer!
(10)Or that dirty…
(11)with one’s mouth and tongue
(12)Did you do it for me?
(13)by using

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(1)Wrap it around it.
(2)This Pokemon…
(4)Let’s make a crime!
(7)Tear it up!

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(1)You are mine

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(1)I brought him.
(2)ah ah
(4)I’ll deal with it.
(5)Save him.

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(1)The opponent is Rocket Team.
(2)That’s it!
(3)If you do something stupid,
(4)He was killed on the spot.
(5)Well, fortunately, this time…
(6)the other person quietly…
(7)It’s going to collapse.
(8)I thought about it, but this guy…
(10)with those eyes
(11)Do you remember?
(12)I’ve seen it.
(13)Yes, Iced Americano.
(14)It was my face.

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(1)Beautiful and still like a girl.
(2)not talk much
(3)from an early on
(4)I don’t remember.
(5)It was a researcher.
(6)So, I want to see my mom’s
(7)The doctor, who was hired by his employer, to his mother,
(8)He would have been reluctant to kill his husband.
(9)When you look at me,
(11)as if you’ve given up
(13)It became snow.

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(1)One day I was in the kitchen.
(2)My father is committing a crime against my mother.
(3)I happened to see the scene.
(4)I saw it.

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(1)with one’s neck tied
(2)I swore an oath.
(3)in front of the dead body
(4)with a black face
(5)My eyes and tongue…
(6)Or your face.
(7)While watching it…
(8)One of the researchers who died, they didn’t think of him.
(9)I will kill you
(10)at all
(11)on behalf of my mother
(12)day and night
(13)I’ve come to commit a crime.

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(1)One day, the doctor said,
(2)A woman.
(3)To people
(4)I’m the woman’s…
(5)Introduction for the first time.
(6)They let me do it.
(7)Do you know each other well?
(8)Please take good care of me.
(9)Nothing at all.
(10)good without knowing
(11)I played the role of a mother.
(12)I’ll follow suit

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(1)Four from the front.
(2)as if nothing had happened
(3)with the strength to live
(4)for that purpose
(5)The power to live
(6)Did I do it?

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(1)How could you do that to him in the first place?
(2)It’s not you!
(4)The same eyes.
(5)I’m doing it.
(6)Don’t talk nonsense.
(7)at the stadium
(8)I hate you even if you don’t exist someday
(9)Your neck is sleeping.
(10)That kind of ending.
(11)Even if it’s correct,
(12)Are you okay?

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(1)That’s that.
(2)I’m looking forward to it again.

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(1)Team Rocket got scolded by Jiwoo.
(2)I’m going to go talk to the head of the Rockets.
(3)My fellow gladiator.
(4)Jiwoo and Pikachu will compete against each other.
(5)This competition focuses on the conflict between Jiwoo and Pikachu.
(6)This confrontation began when the conflicts between other characters were also intertwined and reached a climax.

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(1)I like it.
(2)That’s nice.
(4)I’m going to survive.
(5)I’ve never thought about it.
(6)- Live.

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(1)Even the blood we shed.
(2)It’s a cure for epilepsy.
(3)It’s bread.
(4)He wants to put it in. He eats it up.
(5)Like those guys.
(6)Are you living?
(7)alive and well
(8)More than the crowd,
(9)I’ll kill you in a flash.
(10)fighting for
(11)I’m living.
(12)I don’t think so.

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(1)Eventually, the audience…
(2)in a state of spirit
(3)I don’t even have to pay.
(4)It was a game of the degree.
(5)It’s a great.
(6)I’ve never seen it.
(7)The game…
(9)a testament to freedom
(10)be terminated

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(1)pretty dim
(2)Is it a tie?
(3)Hey, Seoro.
(4)I’m glad.

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(1)I want to live!
(2)This TV xor
(3)With you!
(4)That word.

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(1)What? Suddenly?
(2)He taught me how to live.
(3)I couldn’t do that with my first kiss scene in my private life.

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(1)I couldn’t do that with my first kiss scene in my private life.

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(1)As if

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(4)Who made this by Tagame Gengoro Muddy lol.
(5)Teacher Amano, please be careful because Miaomi of Nintendo-related works can be sued. Ma, I don’t report it or anything.
(6)I didn’t draw it with Tagame Kengoro lol
(7)George Amano, then Mr. Kuma…
(8)Kuma, it’s not me either.


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