I told you everything, but you pooped.

image text translation

(1)End of Inequality 2022 Voter Network 0 Pros △ Partial or Conditional Pros X Cons
(2)Major Commitments in Welfare and Labor
(3)The will to reform is partial lack of specificity, anti-reform, lack of specificity, but reform.
(4)a one-line review
(5)Lack of some concreteness
(6)Abolition of the criteria for dependent persons
(7)Raising the level of guaranteeing livelihood benefits
(8)Introduction of sick and sick allowances
(9)National Pension Service Income Replacement Rate Raises Without Pledge
(10)basic pension increase
(11)Integrated community care
(12)Strengthening the public nature of primary care for infants and toddlers
(13)Strengthening the public nature of caring for the elderly
(14)Expansion of medical personnel in public hospitals
(15)Strengthening Health Insurance Coverage
(16)fiscal tax reform measures
(17)Restrictions on the reason for using non-regular workers
(18)Application of Workplaces with Less than 5 Employees


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