an interview with a dropout from Yonsei University medical school dropout.

image text translation

(1)Svesnews passed the prep course at Je University School of Medicine Department of Medicine.
(2)I passed KAIST in 2015.
(3)2015 Seoul National University College of Technology’s Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering did not pass the first round of interviews.
(4)2015 Pohang University of Science and Technology’s Department of Chemical Engineering Acceptance Interview.
(5)2015 Korea University College of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, 1st Acceptance Interview.
(6)2016 Kyung Hee High School After-school Mathematical Writing Instructor
(7)2017 Yonsei University Medical School Dropout 2018 Yonsei University Medical School Medical Department Pass 2018 Chung-Ang University Medical Department Pass
(8)2020 Yonsei University College of Medicine Preliminary Course Completed 2021 Yonsei University School of Medicine Entrance to the Department of Medicine
(9)4614 Yonsei University College of Medicine Prevention 2018 Yonsei University College of Medicine Prevention Pass 2018 Chung-Ang University School of Medicine.
(10)2020 Yonsei University Medical School Preliminary Course Completion
(11)2021 Yonsei University Medical School Enters the Department of Medicine
(12)2023 Chonnam National University passed the department of chemistry.
(13)2023 Chosun University’s Mathematics Education Department
(14)Sves News
(15)Everyone wants to go to medical school. Why did you drop out?
(16)cute piano music
(17)Joseon in the Old Regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(18)International Biological Olympiad Gold Award
(19)Baek Yoon-sung, a former medical student at Chosun University.
(20)These people are my colleagues.
(21)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, is currently a Chosun University student.
(22)And my self-esteem was going down.
(23)Studying for medical school…
(24)Offered by Baek Yoon-sung
(25)It’s supposed to be like hitting a lot of things on your head.
(26)Offered by Baek Yoon-sung
(27)Complex Functional Theory and Its Application
(28)It didn’t suit me.
(29)Didn’t you want to go to medical school from the beginning?
(30)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, is currently Chosun Daesung.
(31)I was going to major in chemical engineering.
(32)The reason why I went to medical school is because
(33)First, the opinions of my parents and homeroom teacher and my parents.
(34)And the principal’s opinion was big.
(35)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, Chosun
(36)One of my friends went to KAIST and science high school.
(37)Baek Yoon-sung, former Yonsei University Medical School Student Hyun Chosun University
(38)There were many students who went to school a year earlier.
(39)Many of them…
(40)As I watched him prepare for a medical school,
(41)Chosun University by Baek Yun-seong’s old regiment
(42)I’m gonna have to stay in medical school with evil.
(43)That’s what I thought.
(44)Current Joseon Daeseong Fortress of the Old Regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(45)But that decision…
(46)Baek Yun-seong’s Old Salmon in Joseon
(47)I don’t know if I was happy as a result.
(48)How did your parents react?
(49)a wacky piano music
(52)I’m so sad.
(53)As for my parents, at first,
(54)Source: SBS Dr. Kim Master Kim.
(56)My mom is sad.
(57)When I said I’d do half of it,
(58)Source: Dr. Kim, SBS only.
(59)My mom is sad.
(60)He was against it and I persuaded him.
(61)Source: Master Kim.
(62)Paik Yoon-sung, former Yonsei University medical student, Chosun University
(63)Listen to that.
(64)Baek Yun-seong, a former medical student of the Korean University.
(65)Don’t you have to do what you want to do at least once?
(66)The Great Wall of Joseon in the Old Regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(67)They came out like this.
(68)The reason why I went to the math education department is because
(69)meaningful music
(70)Is it my dream to be a one-shot instructor?
(71)Chosun University of the Former Regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(72)In the past, I dreamed of becoming a one-shot instructor.
(73)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, Chosun Daesung
(74)But now, more than that…
(75)I guess it’s in the meaning of teaching.
(76)And I think he’ll teach well.
(77)Baek Yoon-sung, former Hyundai Medical School student, Chosun
(78)I’m more interested in education policy.
(79)Yonsei University’s dream is to become a superintendent of education.
(80)Announcement of his candidacy!
(81)I was working as a teacher.
(82)Baek Yoon-sung, former Hyundai Medical School, Chosun University
(83)I want to run for the superintendent of education.
(84)Joseon Daeseong Fortress by Baek Yun-seong’s Old Regiment
(85)To run for superintendent of scholarship
(86)Why do you need to look at all the time?I don’t have to go back to school tomorrow.
(87)Baek Yoon-sung, former Yonsei University Medical School Student Hyun Chosun University
(88)Must be an educator for at least three years.
(89)I don’t have to go back to school because I’m an academy instructor.
(90)You don’t need to spend time?
(91)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, Chosun
(92)That’s why I chose the College of Education.
(93)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, is currently a Chosun University student.
(94)Chemical engineering was my dream at first,
(95)Chosun University, Daesaenghyeon of the old regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(96)And then the 2nd and 3rd places.
(97)Former Hyundai Medical School Student Baek Yoon-sung, Chosun University
(98)There was a desire for education.
(99)When I was a medical student, Boogie tutor.
(100)Paik Yoon-sung, former Yonsei University medical student, Chosun University
(101)What I felt while teaching private education was…
(102)I don’t think I’m good at teaching.
(103)Baek Yoon-sung, a former Hyundai Medical student, Chosun Daesung
(104)But that’s better than public education.
(105)I think the parents made the students do private education.
(106)That’s what I thought.
(107)I was shocked.
(108)How far is public education in the abyss?
(109)Joseon Daeseong Fortress, a college student of the Old Regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(110)So when public education is normalized,
(111)Han Chosun University, a medical student at the former Yonsei University.
(112)Private education is bound to disappear.
(113)extracurricular activities
(114)I guess you’re just living in private lessons
(115)I want to make private education disappear. AHA
(116)lively music
(117)Baek Yoon-sung, former Yonsei University Medical School, Chosun University
(118)While doing extracurricular activities,
(119)Among the students who have a story,
(120)If you’re introduced, I’ll give it to you for free.
(121)And scholarships.
(122)Baek Yoon-sung, a former medical student at Chosun University.
(123)I used the money I earned from tutoring to give it to him.
(124)I told them to pay for their living expenses.
(125)It’ll be fun if I don’t get hired.
(126)Chosun University, a college student of the old regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(127)I think it’ll be fun, too.
(128)To be honest,
(129)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, is currently Chosun Daesung.
(130)I solved the teacher’s exam questions in 2018.
(131)But math for the teacher’s exam…
(132)Baek Yoon-sung, former Yonsei University Medical School Student Hyun Chosun University
(133)It was worth it. To me…
(134)Why did you apply to Chosun University among the universities?
(135)I like music.
(136)Baek Yoon-sung, a former medical student at Chosun University.
(137)In case of Chosun University, it takes 12 minutes on foot.
(138)Chonnam National University is 40 minutes away by bus.
(139)But it’s really comfortable if you go to a university close to your parents’ house.
(140)Of course, he’s long.
(141)To be honest, the reason it’s close to home…
(142)But it’s really convenient if you go to a college close to your parent’s house.
(143)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, Chosun Daesung
(144)I can’t say I don’t.
(145)It’s better to play with your dog.
(146)Even the small reasons…
(147)Provision Yunseong
(148)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, Chosun University.
(149)What I wanted to say was…
(150)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, a Chosun University student.
(151)In today’s society, I think it’s a good idea
(152)Current Joseon Daeseong Fortress, a college student of the old regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(153)The vested interests are collapsing right now.
(154)But I couldn’t let it go.
(155)Current Chosun University, a college student of the old regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(156)Even though it’s far away, I don’t have to go.
(157)Current Chosun University, a college student of the old regiment of Baek Yun-seong
(158)Chonnam National University and Chosun University may have different specialties.
(159)Baek Yoon-sung, a medical student at the former Yonsei University, Mr. Jo.
(160)I’m going to take a look at my college entrance exam.
(161)I hope there’s no such mishap.
(162)That’s what I thought.
(163)Will you regret it? Are you happy?
(164)rhythmical music
(165)But I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of enemies.
(167)I’m only going to study. I’m going to do things like that.
(168)Chosun University by Baek Yun-seong’s old regiment
(169)Even if I’m not cut out for a doctor,
(170)But I don’t think there are a lot of people who are not suitable for a doctor’s job. I’m just studying.
(171)The return is big.
(172)I can’t believe that a doctor is a good fit for a job, but he only studies that don’t seem to have many people.
(173)That’s right.
(175)I saw that everyone was forced to do it.
(176)Former Hyundai Medical School Student Baek Yoon-sung, Chosun University
(177)It’s very national, too.
(178)Baek Yun-seong, former medical school of the Korean University
(179)Personally, too.
(180)I think it’s a sad situation.
(181)Baek Yoonsung, Yonsei University, Chosun University, and I really like board games.
(183)I heard that Chosun University doesn’t have a board game club.
(184)Hyun Chosun University, a college student of Baek Yun-sung’s Guyeon.
(185)So, I’m thinking of pioneering it myself.
(186)Baek Yun-seong of Korea
(187)I’m really looking forward to it.
(188)26 years old.
(189)Should I do something like “Guessing” on the grill?
(190)Mr. Han, a medical student at the former Yonsei University.
(191)That’s what I thought.
(194)You’re the one who said you worked hard at Yonsei University, right?
(195)Wow, I can’t believe you’re here.
(196)A precious person in such a shabby place…
(197)But I can’t leave the chat room.
(198)It became so famous.
(199)The day will definitely come when I regret it.
(200)Except for this, there won’t be a day when you regret it.
(201)I can give you a definite answer.
(202)As long as you’re happy.
(203)And as long as I’m happy, that’s all.
(204)I’m happy right now.


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