Skill for the elderly who speak informally.

image text translation

(1)I went to a driving academy today and the instructor said,
(2)He spoke informally, so I spoke informally, too.
(3)About being best friends.
(4)- Turn it around once.
(5)Turn it now.
(6)What would you have done if you didn’t meet me?
(7)I’m sure you’re out of it.
(8)Then what should I do?
(9)I’m going to work hard.
(10)On November 11, 2021, in the afternoon of 1122 through the Twitter for iPhone app,
(11)But this doesn’t work. When I went to the company, there were people in their mid to late 20s who were peeling late-night snacks with factory managers in their 50s.
(12)Oh, factory manager! I’m going to give you a sample.
(13)I’ll do it for you!
(14)Jieun! I’ll do your part later.
(15)Just trust me!
(16)I went to a driving academy today and the grandfather instructor spoke informally, so I spoke informally, and I also talked informally about the fact that we became best friends.
(17)· Turn it around once.
(19)Show this thread
(20)On November 13, 2021, 1205 AM, through the Twitter Web App app,
(21)It works even when you work at a mart. (Laughs) I also spoke informally when older grandpas spoke informally.
(22)Why is it 1,000 won? I went to see 990 won!
(23)Oh, dad. Not that one. The one next to it.
(24)990 won! You got it wrong.
(25)But this doesn’t work when I go to the company.
(26)The guys in their mid to late 20s… They went to study hall with factory managers in their 50s.
(27)It was there.
(28)⑧ Oh, factory manager! Are you going to give me a sample or not?
(29)Hey Jieun! Will I really do your part later? Only me?
(30)On November 13, 2021, 1119 AM, through the Twitter for iPhone app,
(31)the way of speaking somewhere between insolence and familiarity

I’m jealous I can’t do that.

image text translation

(1)L Nice 2023-01-27 1743026970
(2)The way you talk is important. If you don’t sound sincere, you’re so rude.
(3)You see him, you come out, and if you do it gently and naturally, it works.
(4)Recommendation R Answer
(5)Black Stocking Master 2023-97224028
(6)Manager Han Tae, the head of the next department at the company, has a manager who got scolded for doing that. You have to do it while looking at people or you get in trouble. Manager Kim, I’m your friend. Where are you talking informally? The atmosphere is getting cold.
(7)Hello, Solver is here. 2023-01-28084651910
(8)No, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe(Laughs) It’s different lol. Someone from the department head lol.
(9)End of inning 2023-01-280 0533516170
(10)Best 3
(11)It’s a way of speaking that requires good use of nonverbal expressions. If you look at the text alone, you can feel like a very friendly and friendly person if you actually experience it. Move.

image text translation

(1)Are you going to do it or not?Oh, factory manager! My sample.
(2)Hey, Jieun!
(3)Seriously, I’m going to…
(4)Lee Jieun 18 IU

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