a lost occupation

image text translation

(1)a lost occupation
(2)- a movie star
(3)I see you.

Korea’s film industry is developing at a tremendous rate.

With the number of theaters continuing to increase,

There’s a job that disappeared due to the development of film.

Right now

a leading theater painter

That’s it.

At that time, theaters were affiliated with the art department to recruit and treat talented sign painters.

The art department staff, made up of the art department’s main painter, assistant painter, lettering artists, called Oyaji, took a lot of pride.

In the past, you had to go to the theater in person to book a movie, so this theater sign, which shows the theme of the movie and the actor’s feelings at a glance, was very important.

The theater sign was a very important factor in the movie’s box office.

Because of this, even popular actors couldn’t ignore the signage artists.

The movie stars came to the art department and bribed them.

They want you to draw your face bigger.

I heard that we did it.

Until the early 1990s, there were about 100 sign painters in Seoul.


After midway through the complex,

The number of signage artists decreased rapidly.

Because all the new theaters had silkscreen pictures on their signboards.

Seoul’s leading theaters, including Myeongbo Theater and Daehan Theater,

With the transition to multi-tube buildings one after another, the theater’s leading artist gradually disappeared.


Gwangju Theater in Gwangju, South Jeolla Province


It’s the only theater in Korea that has a picture of a theater.

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