The reason why Yoo Jae-seok and Ji Seok-jin don’t buy luxury goods was revealed on YouTube yesterday.

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(1)Standard Seller Preferred Meeting

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(1)Something like Prada.
(2)It’s very… Yeah.

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(1)I bought it about 8 years ago.
(2)I’m still wearing them.

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(1)You said it well.

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(1)The tie I bought…
(2)It’s been over 10 years.

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(1)You bought it.

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(1)Why did you buy it?

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(1)It’s pretty.
(2)I bought it.

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(1)Why did you go?
(2)Why did you go to Prada?

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(1)No, detective.
(2)Can I go to Prada?

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(1)The other luxury goods…
(2)Do you have anything else?

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(1)There’s Gucci, too.

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(1)It doesn’t look good on you.With him.
(2)It doesn’t look good on you.
(3)You’re just…

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(1)She’s wearing Balenciaga.

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(1)How many years have I worn that?

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(1)△ Move control team area

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(1)How long are you going to wear them?

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(1)Detective, listen to me.

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(1)I wear them all the time.
(2)I always wear shoes!

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(1)I wore them today.

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(1)I didn’t wear them today.
(2)I didn’t wear them today.

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(1)Detective Kim wants an accurate statement.

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(1)- I’ve been wearing them for years.

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(1)It’s distorted.
(2)Should I report to you?

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(1)Right now…
(2)Let’s crack down on luxury goods.

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(1)I’m curious.
(2)People who buy luxury goods…
(3)What kind of psychology?

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(1)I don’t think I can wear luxurious clothes well.

Kim Jong-kook of the Luxury Brand Control Team cracked down on luxury goods.

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