Blaine says introverted co-workers vomit.

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(1)Topic > Blah Blah
(2)Wow, my introverted colleagues are making me sick.
(3)Go to the new company.
(4)㉡ 4 hours 4843
(5)Our company is it solution company
(6)Overwhelming proportion of introverted developers
(7)I am an extrovert and a planning strategy organization.
(8)I don’t say hello even when I go to the office.
(9)Never respond to small talk when you smoke.
(10)If you talk to me, I’ll go to the rooftop next time.
(11)Change the smoking place deliberately conscious and avoided like a ninja
(12)I don’t say anything at the meeting either.
(13)You have to answer, “Yes or no,” but they all eat honey together.
(14)He never answers.
(15)The CEO will investigate the development status of the current systems.
(16)They asked me to look into when the profits could be realized.
(17)Go to the head of the development team, the executive, team leader, and the leader of the development team.
(18)I have to buy it, so tell me by e-mail.
(19)No reply because I send it by mail
(20)Eventually, I met with working-level officials one by one and avoided answering. I had to get an answer quickly and finish the investigation, but everyone couldn’t answer.
(21)I summoned the sales organization, collected all the development items I have, researched all the development items I have, and listed the person in charge, recorded the achievement rate of function implementation for each item, and sent a full e-mail.
(22)Our executives and representatives compliment each other for their coolness.
(23)But last week, five developers submitted their resignations to quit.

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(1)But last week, five developers submitted their resignations to quit.Ham U is so funny.
(2)I can’t focus on development because of me, and I’m saying that I’m on a tight schedule. No, it’s better to answer what percentage I’ve progressed.
(3)The e-mail also says that the overall development status is understood, but it is so annoying that I have to work with things that I accept as scheduling and that asking this is an infringement of the development area.
(4)I’m going to collect things that I can’t say properly, and I’m going to play League of Legends and Lineage at home, and I can’t even communicate in the first place.

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(1)Samsung SDS – Beep
(2)What does this have to do with my port?
(3)Looks like he’s in planning.
(4)It’s like a 100% crazy schedule.
(6)Sunny, you should quit and move to a bigger place.
(7)㉡ One hour.
(8)Korea Electric Power Corporation.
(9)I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with you.
(10)It’s so funny.
(11)There was no answer for people with a mind like you.
(12)I heard it’s all someone else’s fault lol
(13)㉡ An hour, an hour, an hour and a half.
(14)filial piety
(15)If I see the nuance of writing here, I want to keep my distance already.
(17)How many geniuses are you discussing among 20 second developers?
(18)Can be a full stack from West Capo
(19)You don’t have to answer the work mail. You have to share your work progress. Who knows how far it’s going if everyone is closing their mouths? You have to open each code and judge on your own.
(20)It’s impossible.
(21)I think it’s 10 or 30 now, but at this speed, I expect three more months. Why can’t I say?
(22)It’s ridiculous if you’re suggesting a ridiculous. Not all imaginations come true! Tell me.
(23)I’ve been working with developers, but there’s never been a time when I couldn’t communicate.
(24)Usually, everyone replies well and tells me that I can’t do it.
(25)If there was no problem with Sunny’s communication method, quitting is a problem for the quitters.
(26)Adults can talk about it. It’s affecting the entire company in the extreme evasive way of quitting.
(27)㉡ An hour and seven o’clock.

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(1)Ostem Implant · k
(2)I envied introverts because they are extroverts, but there are relatively many types that I don’t want to see each other as I get older. Especially, I understand the writer’s feelings at work.
(3)㉡ One hour.
(4)Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.
(5)If you’re strong, you’ll break it.
(6)㉡ 49 minutes.
(7)New company in July
(8)I’m not an introvert, but the team’s culture itself is like that.
(9)㉡ 31 minutes 31 ○ Daggle
(10)Hana Financial T.I.
(11)I think we need to set a standard and change the thought that if we don’t meet the standard, it’s not different, it’s different.
(12)I have to say hello when I get to work. You have to respond to small talk when you smoke. You don’t have to avoid me. What’s wrong with your back?
(13)I think it’s adding to the stress of not being aware of other people’s situations enough to make 5 people quit.
(14)If everyone in the world thinks it should be like themselves, that’s what you’re talking about.
(15)㉡ 16 minutes.
(16)New Company – O July July July July July July
(17)It reminds me of someone who looks like an oldie.
(18)㉡ 10 minutes.
(19)SK Hynix – Tteokkykykyeste
(20)It’s Sunny’s problem, so no one’s cooperating, or there’s a company-
(21)It’s not just these low-key developers who can’t work, or either.
(22)But what’s the probability that it’s the latter?
(23)Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology’s subsidiary polar research institute
(24)It could be the latter lol


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