Lawyer’s Facebook post asking if this is a country.

I’m telling you, it’s not easy to get 5 billion severance pay.

It’s so unorthodox.

image text translation

(1)Lee Eon-joo, 14 hours and 3 hours.
(2)The ruling left me speechless. I can’t help but wonder if this is a country. It should be as fair as the opposition party’s investigation whether the prosecution did not work hard to maintain the prosecution’s investigation or judgment.
(3)In common sense, who pays 5 billion won in severance pay to employees who have just worked? Even if an executive who used to be popular at a large company such as Samsung retire after working for a lifetime, it is difficult to receive that much severance pay. In the ruling, there are circumstances in which there are doubts that the son took bribes as an agent, but he is innocent because the son maintains an independent livelihood. Eventually, I suspect, but I couldn’t connect between my son and father Kwak Sang-do. President Park and Choi Soon-sil considered the words given to her daughter, Chung Yoo-ra, not Choi Soon-sil, as bribes she received, which made sense in advance to her future heir son. They didn’t make a living together either, but they didn’t even mix blood, so why is Kwak Sang-do’s father and son not a community of economic community? Did the prosecutors make such a claim in court or not?
(4)Kim Man-bae and Kwak Sang-do acknowledged it as a matter of money, but the father introduced him to join the company, but if his son received 5 billion won in severance pay, he should have said, “If he received 5 billion won, it would be strange.” The prosecution should not have passed the investigation.
(5)The law should be based on common sense, but this ruling is not common sense from beginning to end. It has significantly lost equity in comparison to the case of Jeongyu. 3 horses, scholarships, and forgery of academic background are also a problem, but how can you compare it to 5 billion won? It’s funny in the world.
(6)I am also a lawyer, but the judiciary and prosecution in our country really shouldn’t be like this. With this ruling, people will feel that the investigation or maintenance of prosecution in Daejang-dong case has seriously lost equity, and the need for a special investigation has increased. Not only Kwak Sang-do but also the rest of the 5 billion clubs should investigate the reality of legal cartels such as Park Young-soo. It is a huge cartel case in which all types of power are colluded to gain astronomical private gains and share them with each other, including backing up legal vested interests such as licensing and corruption inspections by local governments, and financial favors. Lee Jae-myung’s investigation into the Daejang-dong case has also been slow, and the National Assembly should seriously consider the Daejang-dong Gate Special Prosecutor, not as someone’s advantage or political offensive, but to eradicate the comprehensive corruption structure of the real estate development project!



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