Dunchon Jugong’s updateShaking.

The contract rate is 90 but there’s no one…Dunchon Jugong site is a mess.

I heard that the preliminary winner’s contract is due at 90, so I often came out, but it’s more empty than I expected. A winner who visited the model house on the morning of the 10th, the fourth day of the contract for the preliminary winner of Olympic Park Foreon reconstruction in Dunchon Jugong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, is popular.


The contract rate is dark, but the kitchen view of Dunchon Jugong is sold out…the truth of a rumor

Rumors have suddenly spread in the housing market that the contract rate for preliminary winners of the Olympic Park Foreon Dunchon Jugong Reconstruction Complex in Dunchon-dong, Seoul, which is recruiting new apartment contractors, has reached 90 and some types are about to be sold out.


The contract rate for preliminary winners of the Olympic Park Foreon Dunchon Jugong Reconstruction Complex in Dunchon-dong, Seoul, which is recruiting new apartment contractors, is


Rumors such as reaching and some types are about to be sold out suddenly spread in the housing market, but the construction company dismissed it as “groundless theory.”Yes.

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