Why don’t men take care of women?

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(1)Blah blah 6 hours
(3)Why don’t men take care of women?
(4)When I went to the hospital,
(5)A male cancer patient always carries a wife next to him.
(6)Even if you’re a single man, you have a girlfriend.
(7)Female cancer patients always have no husband next to them. Where’s your husband?
(8)My children are all working, but they’re running to me because their mother is sick, but what are you talking about? The guardian who came today was a doctor. My mother was sick, so she took out all her work.
(9)Cancer patients don’t come every day. They only come once a month.
(10)Doesn’t make sense that it hasn’t come in years.
(11)And most cancer patients are in their 60s or older.

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(1)Kyowon qwertyui9k
(2)I went to earn money for the surgery, you punk.
(3)Celltrion, please.
(4)(Laughs) Same idea

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(2)Don’t split the two sides.
(3)I’ve worked in the hospital for a few years.
(4)There’s a lot of male guardians, and you’re talking nonsense.
(5)Have you ever done a full investigation?
(6)Of course, there are many cases where men are housewives.
(7)There’s a lot of cases where housewives follow you to the hospital.
(8)Good, 47.

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