Assistant Manager Kwak Byung-chae’s Work Life

The only average employee to borrow a total of KRW 50 million from corporate credit card golf courses, etc. and KRW 400 million in lease deposits from private homes, KRW 500 million in loans to companies.

image text translation

(1)The son of Rep. Kwak Sang-do.
(2)Kwak Hyung-chae’s Work Life
(3)Kwak Byung-chae’s side may be hit, but I think it’s worth a bet.
(4)Getting a job at Dad’s Chance.
(5)Corporate Card Company Car KRW 50 Million
(6)KRW 400 million in lease deposits for private homes KRW 500 million in company loans
(7)Welfare and work efficiency dimensions
(8)Rather than going all-in on stock coins,
(9)five billion severance pay
(10)If I go all in for this company,
(11)I think it’ll be a big hit.
(12)Democratic Party of Korea’s prosecution’s political oppression committee

That’s cool, Byungchae. Whoa!

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