Driver’s story.jpg.

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(1)Anonymous edition > Grandfather’s story, a licensed instructor on the dog drip.
(2)Gona also got a driver’s license 9077f220 20160318 162521 Skip the text
(3)I went to a licensed academy in the middle of Gangwon-do.
(4)At that time, the instructor was so cool that he suddenly asked me to go to Chuncheon, and I drove to Chuncheon.
(5)He suddenly asked me if I didn’t want to eat raw fish, and I asked him to drive while telling me how to go to Sokcho.
(6)When I say, “Teacher, pay for the gas,” he says, “Please take care of everything when I get the receipt.”
(7)When I eat raw fish, it’s expensive, but if I say it’s okay, it’s okay if I use this card, he’ll teach me how to drive and buy me a lot of food.
(8)I think we paid 800,000 won for the academy and ate more than 2 million won.
(9)I don’t know if I went to eat or learn how to drive.
(10)When I was driving on the road, I was like, “Should I take a picture of the busan?” But it didn’t sound like a joke, so I was so dumbfounded. Why are you going to Busan? (Laughs) I’m so stupid that I’m disqualified for not wearing a seat belt. (Laughs)
(11)What? It’s my fault, so do it again. He gave me one more chance to pass on the day, but I bought beef to celebrate the passing of the road test on the first day.
(13)When I think about it now, I think that old man was the owner of a license academy.


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