If you throw away the curse word, season 3.

image text translation

(1)Dozens of buying in the day after going head-to-head
(2)I’m so sure. I trust our people.
(3)Kim Hakjae input 2023321120
(5)President Roh’s 20 minutes of determination at the Cabinet meeting.
(6)Now treat Japan with confidence and confidence.
(7)Exclusive nationalism There are forces trying to gain from anti-Japanese.
(8)○ Normalization of Korea-Japan relations will bring new pride to the public

image text translation

(1)Financial News President Yoon Suk Yeol’s Korea-Japan relationship on the 21st
(2)As the controversy over normalization continued, he began to break through head-on, saying, “Now we should treat Japan with confidence and confidence.”
(3)President Yoon, who targeted the former Moon Jae Inn regime and opposition parties as a force seeking political gain by calling for exclusive nationalism and anti-Japan, urged Japan not to be tied to the past, saying that Japan has already expressed its remorse and apology to us on dozens of occasions.


SB: I’m the only one who didn’t hear it.

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