Column fracture shape is about to collapse

The destructive cross section of the column

If you go in a Y-shape

Collapse has already begun

The cross section of the concrete column is thin

without concrete as designed


Marble exterior material only

in the design cross-sectional size

I’m suspicious that we got it right

I’ll have to look into the design book

The power that works on the apartment

Can be expected to be an unbearable column of matches

So we’re going to reduce the amount of concrete and reinforcement

Marbles are not attached to concrete columns

Like a paper box

covered with marble

The pillars are all that way

Reduce the amount of concrete and reinforcement

Marble Bay to be examined by the superintendent

If it’s overloaded

On the pillar of the pilothic structure

It’s only a matter of time before the apartment collapses

If we don’t evacuate

I’m not sure what’s going to happen

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