Shocking Dick Hunter Shin Donghoon

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(1)January 2023

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(1)I came to the other side of the world

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(1)to a foreign country that had only come on a trip

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(1)I’m here to work

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(1)Hola! Hello!

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(1)It’s the place where I stand the longest

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(1)A month into American dishwasher

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(1)What dishwashers do is

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(1)I thought someone was cleaning up what they ate

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(1)Someone prepared a plate to eat deliciously

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(1)I was that kind of person

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(1)Washing the dishes is preparation, not post-treatment

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(1)I feel better now that I think about it

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(1)Finish at 11pm

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(1)Since I came here in January, I took a day off until March 21st, when I edited this video

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(1)The reason I took a day off was to edit this video

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(1)It was so hard to live like this at first, but now it’s more fun than I thought

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(1)I just want to enjoy filming, but I think I’m becoming a fake person
(2)I came to America to do the dishes as if I was running away

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(1)I’m going to wash my mind and go home

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(1)Stay healthy!

I went to America to wash the dishes because I got hit with reality when I filmed the video

I’ve been working 12 hours a day for two months

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