I’m depressed because of my husband’s erectile dysfunction until he’s 33 years old

image text translation

(1)Quality Relationship Research Institute Q =
(2)Complaining about rated R >
(3)Because of my husband’s erectile dysfunction in his 30s
(4)I feel like crying
(5)Green Apple Tree Chatting
(6)The groom never dated a girl until he turned 33 years old
(7)I’m Ro. I’m the first and last woman of the groom to marry
(8)We met in our early 30s and dated
(9)During the first relationship, the groom couldn’t find where his pennis was going to go, and he would have to adjust the angle to go in, but I’m so frustrated that he doesn’t know how to do it! He said, “Not there,” and the nervous groom became smaller after about three minutes of erecting while changing his position
(10)The groom said it was because he was nervous
(11)At first, I thought it could be
(12)After that, we went on a trip together
(13)It’s my second relationship since that day
(14)On that day, too, during implantation sex, the pennis get smaller and fall outOf course I didn’t. I think it’s been about three minutes Once you get smaller, you can’t get your erection even if you use an oral. That’s it
(15)I feel miserable, as well as well, but I’m also in a lotI talked about my feelings on the phone the next dayI think it’s important to have a good chemistry, but I don’t think it suits you. Why did you get smaller? Did you have erectile dysfunction because you snore? I thought you’d say goodbye, but you didn’t say thatSo I thought this guy understood what I meant
(16)I didn’t know then I didn’t know that my words would hurt that much
(17)After that, he avoided sleeping with me
(18)If I induce that kind of atmosphere, next time~ Next time~
(19)I avoid it
(20)A month before the wedding, I’m going to try a third relationship
(21)I was in a bad situation that day And so
(22)I’m pregnant with crabs
(23)And after the first birthday of the baby after a year of pregnancy
(24)We never had a relationship
(25)I was also careful to bring it up first because I had a verbal wound to the groom, and the groom held hands with me and didn’t do any physical contact except kisses
(26)It’s been 2 years since I got married, so I’m taking courage to talk
(27)I don’t think we’re doing it for a long time
(28)Yes, let’s do it next week
(30)But there’s no action but words
(31)I think I’m the only one begging to bring it up
(32)It hurt my pride and it’s been 6 months
(33)I’m going to take courage one more courageous
(34)Oppa, I’m getting cold and digging into your blanket
(35)I thought we’d have a relationship like that, but for about 3 minutes
(36)The relationship ends like that because it gets smaller after the promotion
(37)I don’t have any reason
(38)We’ve been married for 5 years
(39)It’s less than 7 times, but we don’t share rooms
(40)There’s no conflict except for the dragonflies Housework, childcare
(41)He helps me a lot during the day
(42)At night, my husband never approached me first
(43)I’m doing it because I asked for it first, but even that has never been a reason
(44)Never I try on racy underwear, but five minutes
(45)It’s too small for me
(46)I wonder if it’s because I hurt my relationship
(47)Seo oppa, I’m sorry for hurting you. Get out
(48)I’m reflecting on myself. I’m so sorry. I mean it
(49)I apologized and my brother was hurt, but when you were
(50)Don’t be sorry. I want to be good at it
(51)They say they’re upset that they can’t
(52)I hurt your feelings when you’re in a girlfriend
(53)Five years after the marriage, she’s still hurt
(54)”Why did I get married when I was so hurt?”
(55)It was my first relationship with a girl, and you
(56)After the fall of that word, I regret it and it’s very hard
(57)Park Soyoung, relationship designer
(58)Going to meet the truth
(59)Changing the relationship created a stir in society

It’s Sim Inseong

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