a scientist who saved mankind from lead poisoning

a scientist who saved mankind from lead poisoning

image text translation

(1)Claire Patterson, chemist who also worked on the Manhattan Project
(2)returning to school for a doctorate after the war
(3)Professor, you’re a chemist, so measure the lead in zircon
(4)Instructor, then you’ll be the first person to discover the age of the Earth
(5)Instructor’s home meal is porridge, so let’s finish it quickly
(6)However, unlike the results of colleagues who were in charge of other ingredients
(7)Patterson was responsible for the lead level
(8)Extreme errors appear every time
(9)Patterson, who suspected lead contamination in the lab, cleaned it
(10)I try to seal the lab, but they all fail
(11)Two years have passed
(12)You said it was a piece of cake
(13)Patterson, who moved to Caltech with his advisor
(14)He built the world’s first guest house there
(15)Successful measurement of lead content inside zircon
(16)Based on the results, the Earth is 45.5 billion years old
(17)Successfully discovered for the first time in the world
(18)Patterson, who later became famous
(19)I’m starting to analyze the lead concentration in seawater
(20)Even if you check the difference between the concentration of seawater on the water surface and the deep sea water
(21)Recognizing the seriousness of lead contamination
(22)Lead was a substance throughout the industry at the time
(23)a widely used flower
(24)in order to strengthen the obligation to pay
(25)It’s about using it as a matchmaker
(26)Dr. Kiho, sponsored by General Motors
(27)by proving that it exists in the natural lead system
(28)Lead is used in propaganda, which is already in our presence
(29)Patterson wanted to publicize the seriousness of lead pollution
(30)Even though I am a member of the society at Nature, I have received a paper on oil sponsorship
(31)lead contamination
(32)And then the pressure on the lead companies started
(33)We’ve had problems with our research activities because of the lack of sponsorship
(34)However, Paterson, the National Science and Technology Administration, was found with the support of the Polar Book Publication Finance Foundation
(35)There’s pollution in the room, too
(36)Later, there was a political hearing on lead contamination
(37)Dr. Kiho’s claim that there is no lead contamination
(38)After hearing all of Patterson’s research on lead contamination
(39)The U.S. is starting to tighten regulations on lead-oil substances such as lead, gasoline
(40)The level of lead inside the human body is large, and the fact that there is no harmless concentration of lead inside the human body has decreased after the lead regulation
(41)the established theory of the system

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