The shock that the audience received when the movie “The Exorcist” was released in 1973

The shock that the audience received when the movie “The Exorcist” was released in 1973

The Exorcist 1973

He’s translated, and there’s a possibility of misinterpretation

While watching this movie, I had a really amazing experience, and there were audiences who actually fainted In the middle of the movie, the audience reacted abnormally, and some people vomited I’ve never seen a movie that actually stuns people

an audience fainted after being helped out

a tearful female audience

The narration is so hot that the police are keeping a close watch on the situation and a conquered guard has been deployed near the theater

Police, I watch a lot of movies, but I’ve never seen a scene like this in my life. This movie is different

a distracted audience

an interview with an audience in the middle of a movie

The audience is so disgusting

Reporter, why

I had to cover my ears even when the audience’s legs were shaking and I just ran out of the lobby

What kind of scene did you see

Audience, when the girl talks like a devil, my God! I’ve been waiting four hours to see thisYou

Another audience member who ran out in the middle

The audience is so scary I’m scared to death I’m so nervous.

Which scene of the reporter did you feel the fear

When the audience doctor comes into the room, when the girl speaks in the devil’s language, oh my god

Reporter, are you going back in

Audience… I honestly don’t want to see it, but I’m curious about the end

I fainted at the beginning of the movie Eventually, he came out in the middle, and the staff brought him water

I watched the audience for about 30 minutes and passed out

The reporter passed out

Audience. Yes

Audience: When the girl starts the economic convulsion, I actually have a daughter, and I get goosebumps because I feel like I’m watching my daughter while watching the movie

50 years ago, I would have fainted

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