Cat mom did something crazy in the park behind her

Cat mom did something crazy in the park behind her

image text translation

(1)Cat mom did something crazy in the back mountain park
(2)Go. – Go
(3)Recommendation 1 inquiry 600 ripple 15
(4)Seoripul Park, a park in the back mountain where you usually go for a walk at night or early in the morning
(5)There’s this
(6)Today, I went there in the afternoon
(7)But as I was walking, I saw a lot of trash in the mountains near Hahanaan
(8)I went there because I was scared
(9)I don’t know. Like Gojin, Sakat’s mom has about 10 cats
(10)What do you mean, I threw away all kinds of garbage in the feed bin;;;;
(11)Even if it’s 20m long, it’s still in the forest
(12)I want to take it all away, but I filed a complaint right away because I didn’t want to get in trouble
(13)It’s just ridiculousgo
(14)Seoul is also a park, but it’s quite big
(15)There are a lot of pheasants and owls
(16)They often hunt cat pheasants, gourds, and water magpies
(17)When I look at the way he looks and the bodies are thrown on the walk
(18)I hated everything
(19)I was wondering if cats were constantly increasing, but there was a frame
(20)That’s a walk, but in the forest
(21)HAN was looking at me and said
(22)I was wondering what he was guilty of
(23)The problem is that crazy cat’s heart likes to liveCrab
(24)I filed a complaint with the district office
(25)I’m thinking about how to deal with it properly
(26)The worst of all, you know, build a blue night cat house in the woods, or stand up and go home
(27)I’m worried about Cat Mom’s walkWill Roan Border be deep

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