The discharge of contaminated water will save Koreans’ understanding

image text translation

(1)尹 Contaminated water in the event of a visit
(2)I’ll save the Korean people’s understanding
(3)Input 20230329 PM 845 Modified 20230329 PM 846
(4)Reporter Park Sung-jin
(5)a family of one street
(6)Japan’s Kyodo News reported that the Japanese government also did this
(7)They want us to try hash key

image text translation

(1)Tokyo = Yonhap News Correspondent Park Sung-jin = Yoon Suk Yeol
(2)Japan’s Kyodo News reported on the 29th that the president met with former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in Tokyo on the 17th and said he would seek the understanding of the Korean people even if it takes time to discharge contaminated water from Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant


Is it true that the President of the Republic of Korea, not the Prime Minister of Japan, said he would persuade the Korean peoplecrying

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