You were right

image text translation

(1)How do you feel about winning first place in the league!
(2)As a fan of 13 years who became a fan during the anti-Percy Fabregas era, I shared Arsenal’s dark ages This situation is both pleasant and disturbing, as I’ve watched the season Arsenal couldn’t make it to the Championship Unlike Manchester United fans, Gunners have a clear grasp of reality and self-objectification, so I’m looking forward to it this season, but I’m not sure
(3)Jipak Instastory

Kim Minjae 3 options

Kane has already moved to Manchester United

100 Billion Wings Sancho and Antony

Five-team Libe defender Lysandro Martinez

Liverpool 70 Man City 63

He spent 200 billion won, but it was Ferguson’s second visit

You were right

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