The world’s granaries and the ultimate king, Jpg

image text translation

(1)Korean native culture
(2)Honam Plain of Korea
(3)It is the largest plain on the Korean Peninsula and has been an important granary since the Joseon Dynasty
(4)Hokkaido, Japan
(5)A quarter of Japan’s total arable land is in Hokkaido
(6)Manchuria in China’s Yangtze River Basin
(7)The Yangtze River basin is rich in water and fertile in land
(8)Since the Song Dynasty, it has become the most densely populated area in the world
(9)Manchuria has been developed since the 20th century
(10)It has become an indispensable granary in China
(11)Map of Vietnamese Rice Production
(12)Vietnam Mekong River Delta
(13)As you can see in the picture, Vietnam’s largest rice-growing area
(14)Andalusia, Spain
(15)The largest pyong in most of the country and the mild climate throughout the year is good for farmingIsolated Area Insp
(16)Ukrainian Black Earth
(17)Black soil is the best soil for farming
(18)Most of the sweat in Ukraine is black soil, so farming is good
(19)Got the nickname European Bread Basket
(20)Feeding the entire Soviet Union with grain once from Ukraine

image text translation

(1)Argentine Pampas
(2)Pampas are a representative black soil area
(3)The flour and beef lamb that we got here
(4)The entire population of Argentina is left with food
(5)the extent to which one exports in large quantities to foreign countries
(6)Anatolia Peninsula, Turkey
(7)To a land rich from ancient times
(8)With high productivity to this day
(9)Turkey has a population of 80 million and a food self-sufficiency rate of 100
(10)a land rich enough to attain
(11)Egypt’s Nile Delta
(12)It’s a famous granary from ancient times to modern times
(13)It’s regular, but the Iloilo River is overflowing
(14)The nutrient-rich humerus is used to make humerous humerous humerus
(15)I’ll take him downstream to Egypt
(16)The land that was submerged by the flood increased its intellectual powergo
(17)But the river is not as rich as it used to be when the Aswan Dam was built
(18)But even though it’s a miracle act on the Na River, most of Egypt is land
(19)Sine Ball Exceeds 100 Million
(20)Central Plains of Canada
(21)Although it is produced on a large plain, Gokda’s hydropower exports. The world’s No. 1 and No. 2 grain exports are reluctant to export the remaining grains
(22)I’m currently fighting for 100 million dollars a year
(23)In fact, most of the country has a good grain area, a good climate, and 70 of the country is a plain hilly area, and only the population has a food level of 300
(24)6600 magnetic box
(25)a mixed agricultural zone
(26)a spring wheat zone
(27)a herding area
(28)a cornfield
(29)a winter wheat zone
(30)a cotton zone
(31)subtropical crops
(32)American land itself is a fraud
(33)Even if the above granaries are combined, they are less productive than the central United States


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