Find out the Yoon Suk Yeol in a minute

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(1)a seat on a train is not a person’s seat

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(1)with one’s shoes on top

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(1)a groin-scratching fellow

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(1)The heating bill is also a bomb

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(1)The gas bill is also a bomb

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(1)a man with a bomb mouth

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(1)31 Banzai!

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(1)I didn’t go to the army

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(1)with the cry of a preemptive strike

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(1)He’s calling for war

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(1)I’ll leave all the good things

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(1)with a foul mouth

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(1)ruining our language by riding it

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(1)If IX doesn’t approve, bye

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(1)The other one’s on the raid

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(1)Don’t touch my wife

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(1)a loser of the rule of law

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(1)Five months of ten administrations are going through hell
(2)Fairness and justice
(3)It’s already collapsed
(4)of the Yoon Suk Yeoln regime
(5)the politics of disregard for people’s livelihood
(6)I can no longer tolerate it anymore

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(1)I didn’t even ask you to do it

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(1)I’m moving the Blue House

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(1)Who’s girl is dead

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(1)I turned away from the Itaewon disaster

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(2)He doesn’t even apologize

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(1)I apologize to the dog

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(1)I can’t help it
(2)a retaliatory investigation of the people

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(1)a man of investigative power

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Let’s stop looking into it

I’m going to get angry if I look into it more

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(1)Price per book KRW 80,000 April 1, 2023 No. 327
(2)Sunday Seoul
(3)Yongsan Ace Exclusive Handwriting
(4)How did I become the center
(5)Kim Gun-hee’s pictorial luxury color has increased significantly
(6)What’s wrong with us
(7)Give your body and heart to Japan
(8)The whole story of Yoon’s case, which was hit hard in the back of the head
(9)I’m breaking up the Constitutional Court
(10)I’ll be on the prosecutor’s committee
(11)It makes sense considering the current law minister’s fashion, which can be dismantled under the enforcement ordinance of the Minister of Justice
(12)B tens of billions of scams
(13)Six months in a row, 69 hours later, brain hemorrhage
(14)What a young man said when he fell down
(15)I wanted to fill 120 hours of being innocent
(16)Minister of Employment and Labor Visits Youth in Coma
(17)Commitment to appoint an honorary ambassador for 69 hours is calm
(18)300 meters underground
(19)1 Presidential Office
(20)made from nuclear wastewater
(21)Kishida water presentation
(22)This magazine cover is a satirical parody produced by Yoon Suk Yeol Retirement Clock – Yoon Time, using photos officially posted by the president’s office

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