The American PE teacher who was blamed for drinking when he didn’t drink

image text translation

(1)Humor. How is the American PE teacher doing
(2)Recommendation 385 inquiry 61528
(3)Date and time 230405 165949
(4)Activity History Writing Message MyP Timeline
(5)Attendance 4838 Days LV 163 Exp 92 Non-light 932
(6)Mark Montgardo, who lives in the U.S.
(7)The first time he discovered something unusual happened to his body was in 2006
(8)Mr. Mongardo worked hard as a high school physical education teacher and coach of the basketball team
(9)Reported by fellow teachers and students for smelling alcohol
(10)He complained that he never drinks while working as a teacher, but no one believed him and ended up leaving school
(11)Eventually, you move out with your family
(12)Start with a contract teacher position in another area
(13)Promoted to the position of athletic manager after gaining credibility
(14)And then, one day.
(15)The police’s breath test showed that he didn’t have a drink
(16)I blew the breathalyzer, and the blood alcohol level was 018
(17)018… There are a lot of times when I’m unconscious, but my mind is clear, too
(18)Mr. Montgardo protested, but was eventually arrested on the spot
(19)Fortunately, he was released, but it was reported to the school
(20)I took a breathalyzer test before class at school
(21)There, too, high levels of blood alcohol were detected and fired
(22)Even your wife doesn’t believe in herself
(23)I lost my job, my house, my car
(24)Mongarhan is looking for zoom hope
(25)You don’t need to drink alcohol to find out what’s going on in your body
(26)I know that there is a disease called Auto-brewery Syndrome
(27)Mr. Mongardo, who was tested at 8 o’clock in search of a doctor, was also a close friend
(28)on the spot when the disease was revealed to have been falsely accused
(29)The sound of an ulter trim
(30)So far, very few cases have identified a disease called ABS
(31)by malignant bacteria in the digestive system
(32)It’s a natural alco-producing ole in the body, but as a disease
(33)Just like the name of the bottle, because the dead body is full of sulam
(34)Even if you don’t drink, your body can smell like alcohol
(35)You can be in an unfair situation because your blood alcohol level goes up
(36)In fact, some patients are sentenced to prison for drunk driving


He was a rare case of alcohol-producing disease

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If you look at Wikipedia, you can actually see drunk symptoms

Treatment is an anti-alcoholic drug that kills alcohol-producing bacteria



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