Busan citizens, it’s the Busan atmosphere

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(1)It’s done and exhausted
(2)On-site Evaluation of Cooperation on the President’s Office’s Busan Dinner

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(1)The provincial governor from the opposition party also expressed his willingness to cooperate

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(1)Give me your position on the picture of President Yoon Suk Yeol’s farewell photo

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(1)a presidential official
(2)”The President is going to have dinner
(3)When I came out of course
(4)The people around you are talking about the president
(5)”I shouted a lot of cheering chants”

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(1)a presidential official
(2)”In the building across the street
(3)The president waved his hand
(4)”I waved my hand.”

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(1)a presidential official
(2)”That picture is so weird”
(3)as if criticizing the dinner
(4)”It’s a pity that it’s used in writing.”

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(1)a presidential official
(2)”In our political and media landscape
(3)the tail wobbles the body
(4)”There are many attempts to change the subject, which is unfortunate.”

It looks like a scene of real cooperation

Why can’t you reveal the name of the opposition party, not belonging to the opposition party

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