I went to PC room with my mom’s allowance until I was 32

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(1)But the game
(2)If I do it for a long time

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(1)How does this life work

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(1)She lives in a high school

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(1)I’m sorry

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(1)I don’t think that’s a good idea for gamers
(2)It’s very rude

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(1)Then, the game secret room
(2)Who pays

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(1)In my present life
(2)I don’t make money

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(1)You don’t have to ask questions like that
(2)That’s a very rude question

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(1)Mom’s card chance

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(1)I have to say that, too

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(1)My mom told me that I got me some money

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(1)Up to 32 years old

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(1)I got pocket money from my mom. It’s okay!!!

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(2)My mom doesn’t say anything

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(1)Whatever my mom says

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(1)12 years of gaming
(2)I think you can do it

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(1)Even if you don’t want to do it, you still do it

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(1)I don’t want to do it
(2)I’m the leader of the leader
(3)Why do you do it

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(1)My job is
(2)I don’t know if it’s good to go around

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(1)My job is to spend money
(2)I need to earn money

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(1)Is there money in the game
(2)Will there be rice

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(1)Game money is coming out

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(1)Game money is
(2)It’s fake money

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(1)This world could be fake
(2)It’s there

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(1)I don’t know if a butterfly dreams about you
(2)I don’t know

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(1)Maybe it’s real

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(1)You can’t be my NPC

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