Gif, an animal that’s more dangerous than you think


image text translation




Unlike his usual slow self, he’s quick when he’s angry and attacks

He’s got sharp claws, so several zookeepers stick to him and handle it

Watch out for sloths

image text translation

(1)Reply Ma Steel Shelf 2023-03-200108-30 17270 Best1
(2)Wow, I was really looking for this gif when I was young, I saw this gif on TV and when I attacked the sloth because it was really fast, but people didn’t believe it!! Move 5
(3)If the ancestors of sloths were physical chewers, they dug underground caves and dug rocks to make something similar to underground. I thought it was primitive humans, but when I did a fossil survey, I was a sloth ancestor. Back then, I was a physical chewer and scratched a rock to make an underground tunnel
(4)Recommended reply
(5)LD Monchy 2023-04-011616
(6)It was as big as a bus
(7)Rational Ripple 2023-04-915031917
(8)Best laugh
(9)When you’re angry, you look at the tree. Move 2

It’s after the first GIF

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