the daily life of the freeters in their thirties, which is common in Japan

image text translation

(1)Comoral three!”
(2)without a fixed occupation
(3)When I save money for a short-term part-time job, I go on a trip
(4)When I come back home, I usually live alone
(5)If you work part-time at a rice farm, you can get rice
(6)Vegetables are handmade
(7)If you borrow a book from the library
(8)In Gaya, the world of Qinghai-Tok
(9)An annual salary of one million yen a year
(10)But life is
(11)without spending money
(12)to be able to enjoyable

image text translation

(1)It’s more comfortable for me to myself
(2)There are more things to enjoy alone
(3)Hate group life at social companies
(4)Hate to work overtime hard to get promoted and take responsibility on the shoulder
(5)I like to work in moderation and earn less than I do by working hard
(6)Korea could change like this

Living alone is good, but if you’re old and sick, hell can come

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