Why the leaked White House confidential document is chilling

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Russia’s maneuver to destroy morale by revealing Ukraine’s weakness or Ukraine’s ploy to reassure Russia on the brink of an imminent offensive, but what the document really shows is important

Ukraine’s air defense network lacks absolute numbers. The U.S. plan to expand its air defense network in Ukraine, which was announced last week, has already speculated to some extent, but the actual figures recorded in the document are appalling If this air defense vacuum is not filled, Russia will be able to secure the right to provide and attack ground targets at will, the document arguesIf this happens, the Ukrainian ground forces will be able to

Whether it’s for offense or defense

It becomes impossible to rally

The West’s self-proclaimed democratic armory is not even meeting the needs of Ukraine Supply of goods would have been Ukraine’s largest advantage against Russia, which is said to have been subject to so-called intense economic sanctions, but there is a big difference between Ukraine’s consumption and Western supply

During World War II, the United States overwhelmed Japan and Germany by converting industrial complexes across the country to produce tanks, airplanes, and aircraft carriers, but such industrial mobilization has yet to occur again

The U.S. administration is reluctant to take risks compared to other allies Britain and France sent electronic warfare aircraft to the Black Sea, but the United States only sent drones for fear of direct conflict with Russia, according to the document

It’s natural to try to avoid the risk, but is it too frightened? Although international law allows operations 12 miles outside, the document has defined the 50 mile range around Crimea as the maximum access line


on the street

Conflict with information that can be obtained


It seems that he judged that it was unnecessary, and it is necessary to explain what grounds it is

4 There has already been talk among journalists and high-level U.S. officials that the fighting has exhausted both camps and hit a dead end, but the document shows a more explicit picture Ukraine bets on reversing the trend with a spring offensive, and the U.S. administration agrees

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