an annual employee of a small business

image text translation

(1)Why should I write down a reason if I want to take a legally guaranteed vacation
(2)You’re alive. 52 52 minutes ago
(3)Application date 201
(4)Go ahead
(5)Quality control staff
(6)From 1200 on July 26th
(7)July 26, 2019. 1730
(8)The stomach meme is from an Instagram perm
(9)I really think it’s a ridiculous old-fashioned cultural tower
(10)The more the cow, the worse
(11)Below is a story that I experienced in real life
(12)I’ll use my annual leave next TuesdayIt was Monday
(13)Team leader, what are you going to do
(14)It’s personal
(15)Team leader, you need to know what’s going on in your personal circumstances
(16)Why should the team leader know about my personal life
(17)Team leader, you need a good reason to give him a year off
(18)Yeah, I’m just going to rest because I’m tired
(19)Team leader, no
(20)Why isn’t it working
(21)Team leader, someone’s not tired. Someone doesn’t know how to rest. You don’t live alone
(22)Gaebung. What’s the reason to use your annual leave
(23)Team leader, are you trying
(24)Got it I won’t use my annual leave
(25)Manager Gaebung, I’m quitting
(27)I said I wouldn’t tell you the reason for Gaebung’s annual leave, but if I put it in the Labor Office, it will only hurt the company’s image, and it’s a loss for me, and it’s most convenient for me not to see the team leader, but I think it’s best to quit
(28)Manager, okay. Wait a minute. Manager M, tell him to come over for a little bit
(29)In the end, the system was changed to receive approval for annual leave directly from the manager, not the team leader, and almost all other tasks that could have been done by the team leader’s authority, production control, various benefits, etc. were lost


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