1 billion won if it lasts for a year

image text translation

(1)Translate tweets
(2)There’s a shower room, a bed, and it’s warm
(3)But there’s nothing around me
(4)You have to stay in that hamburger place for a year
(5)Three, four, five meals a day is free
(6)Only hamburgers are served
(7)But hamburgers are full of tomato and lettuce
(8)Patty is Korean beef patty, so it’s nutritious
(9)It’s not impossible to go out
(10)As you can see, even if you go out, there’s a neighborhood
(11)We should make a snowman and hurry up and come in
(12)Cell phone, computer, internet, everything
(13)The person who makes the hamburger
(14)She’s my ideal type, too
(15)Everyone can do it


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