Korean society problems that naturalized people in Korea talk about.jpg

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(2)Daehan_Russian From the first time I came to Korea until now, the social aspect that makes my eyebrows frown is the Korean style of life sign, and the Internet with people around me
(3)There’s a motif that always comes out in stories and broadcasts. What you should do by age group, what you shouldn’t do in your late teens, what you should do in your early 20s
(4)You can’t date in high school, you have to do it in college, you have to go to work after graduation, you have to have a hobby, you have to get married when you’re in your 30s, you have to pay a certain salary, buy a car, and you have to buy a house when you’re in your mid-30sSocial life with a fixed answer
(5)I was going to study a little because I lacked knowledge in my field of activity, but I looked for a professional academy, but honestly, I couldn’t believe the answer I got back In my late 30s, all the students attending the academy said that they were in their early 20s and that the atmosphere would be awkward if I joined, so I carefully finished the conversation by studying by myself or to find out somewhere else I can’t even study in a country that’s crazy about studying. Raise your hand if you can tell me where this is normal because of the number in front of your ID card!
(6)Sometimes, for fun, I look at accounts that often post personal stories on the InternetOne day, a man in his early 40s wrote something that caught my eye I’ve been self-employed with my father since I graduated from college, but I’ve been ruined by COVID-19, and now I wake up and I’m in my 40s, and I don’t have any great certificates, safe profits, or my own house I asked what I should do, but the comment said, “I feel sorry for you. I ruined my life.” There was no way, and so on the like There were even comments saying suicide is the way No, the advice I get from seeing a healthy, self-employed man in his 40s with 20 years of experience is suicide In what universe is that normal
(7)I know well that Korean society is a competitive and forgetful way of not studying and not working like crazy, and because of its culture, it is necessary to keep up with other people’s expectations and race so that it doesn’t fall behindIf you focus on your own life, you can’t be involved in why you don’t get married, even if you’re a family member or a close friend, why don’t you make a high salary at a large company, why don’t your kids go to n private academies? Then, you can start your next business in your 40s
(8)Korean society has quests by age
(9)I have to do this when I’m in my 20s If it doesn’t work, it’s 된다
(10)When you are in your 30s, you should have some property
(11)There are things that need to be achieved by age
(12)If you don’t achieve it, you’ll be a failure

1 thought on “Korean society problems that naturalized people in Korea talk about.jpg”

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