I’m Solo Mossol Special 11 Date Catastrophe

image text translation

(1)I chose my first impression
(2)Youngsoo is going on a date with 11 for the first time
(3)an Englishman who tries to talk first
(4)Youngsoo’s clothes and card wallet are red, so he tries small talk
(5)Youngja, I think you like red
(6)It’s a coincidence
(7)Of course, it’s red
(8)I didn’t do anything
(9)Of course, I did it because it’s red
(10)How can I say
(11)This is
(12)Youngsoo is answering so hard
(13)When I buy clothes that I just wear
(14)I kind of like gray colors
(15)But if I buy it because it’s pretty
(16)I think I buy it because it’s pretty
(17)There are times like that
(18)In that case, for example, red
(19)Or this, too
(20)Of course, I got this as a gift
(21)I gave it to him because he knew I liked it
(22)I’ll ask you a question
(23)Youngja who’s been listening
(24)Youngja gave it to me as a gift
(25)Who gave it to me
(26)Answering honestly
(27)I think my mom
(28)Oh! Younger sister or mother
(29)I got two at the same time
(30)One is this and the other one is mixed with blue
(31)I don’t remember exactly who gave me what
(33)My sneakers are lime color
(34)I’m not really curious about that
(35)When I buy something that looks pretty to me
(36)I live in a variety of things
(37)Things that I try to wear because I want to be comfortable
(38)I’m wearing pants of the same design
(39)I’m going to use different colors
(40)To talk about fashion for a long time
(41)In conclusion, I brought some clothes from home
(42)But I came here in a tight schedule, so I didn’t have a lot of time
(43)To be honest, I’m going to prepare
(44)I just brought what I had at homeI’ve been wearing it since the first day, but when the dead end guys came in, wow I’m the only one who wore it


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