How is the detached house on the roof of the building

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(1)State Samsung Security Corporation

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(1)A white rural house on the roof of the 13th floor of the Green City Busan Building Forest
(2)Input 2009-07-27 102700 Modified 2009-07-29 110803
(3)Garden with flowers and tree ponds grasshoppers in summer and crickets in autumn
(4)A garden with a pond was built on the roof of a rooftop garden in Seo-gu, Busan, and a family house was built Reporter Kang Won-tae, wkang
(5)There is a greener garden under the blue sky
(6)In the middle of Busan’s downtown building forest, there is a secret sky garden that can only be found in fairy tales. When you open the rooftop door of the 13th floor building of H Construction in Buyong-dong, Seo-gu, you can see the world of stars
(7)There is a need to support the policy of increasing interest in rooftop gardens
(8)In the middle of the rooftop, there is a two-story white country house that can only be seen in places with good mountains and good water In front of the living room, there is a pond and a small waterfall, and a small garden where various flowers and trees live and breathe. Kwon Do-chun 57 Kim Eun-ja 53 and his five daughters built a house on the roof of the building in May 2007 and moved
(9)The rooftop, which used to be an abandoned space in the city center, has been transformed into a paradise, but it is rare to build a house and live there. The Kwon family lived together in a villa for four years I decided to move and searched everywhere, but there was no suitable place Meanwhile, I saw the rooftop of my company
(10)Let’s build a house on the top of the building and live there. The whole family opposed Kwon’s suggestion, saying, “If it’s a house on the rooftop, isn’t it a rooftop?” I managed to persuade my family on the condition that I would move again if I didn’t like it after living
(11)Kwon, who has been running a construction company for more than 30 years, planned and participated in the design and construction of rooftop houses and gardens himself Two years later, laughter spreads around the family’s mouth. Locusts run around the garden in summer and crickets cry in autumn. The sound of water flowing throughout the year does not stop, and the scent of flowers surrounds the garden every season


Kwon’s rooftop detached house, which has been running a construction company for more than 30 years when he wanted to find a house near the company


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(1)Repurposing – Architecture Department 12372
(2)20051228 Change of address 17-1-17-1168
(3)Car-related facilities parking management office on the 11th floor of 2008 0111 9th floor multi-dong house detached house
(4)25209m² 10-story detached house 133 36mm extension
(5)200801111 26481m out of 30295m2 of educational research and welfare facilities
(6)Type 2 Neighborhood Living Facilities Other Type 2 Neighborhood Living Facilities 3812㎡
(7)As an educational research facility academy, out of 2,871㎡ of educational research and welfare facilities on the first floor, 21675㎡ of Type 1 Neighborhood Living Facility Retail Store 2,356㎡ of 414m of educational research facility academy
(8)It is a parking lot for automobile-related facilities and a detached house on the 7th floor of 43428㎡ on the 7th floor
(9)Repurposed to office facility officetel 43428㎡
(10)20081230 Class 2 Neighborhood Living Facility on 8F, 27712㎡ 8F Educational Research Facility Academy
(11)Repurposed to 27712㎡

a perfectly legitimate building legally added to the building register

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