How are you doing on a mixed-Korea-Japan mixed-blood YouTubers

image text translation

(1)← Yuki’s Japanese Story YU
(2)YUUKI’s Japanese Story YUUKI
(3)Two hours ago
(4)I think I’ve been working on YouTube for years without a break.”
(5)I started working part-time at a new restaurant for step-up, and I think it’s time to take a break, so YouTube will take a break until the end of May
(6)368,000 square meters

image text translation

(1)Yuki’s Japanese Story YU
(2)YUUKI’s Japanese Story YUUKI
(3) Yuuki_Japan 270 videos with 1.01 million subscribers
(4)Two hours ago
(5)I think I’ve been working on YouTube for years without a break.”
(6)Get a closer look at the new restaurant part-time job for step-ups

Yuki’s Japanese Story

Think of it as a new restaurant part-time job and a break

a short break

Information Based on various contents and information related to Japan

Youtuber who produces content and introduces it through videos

And when I was called as a social worker

After completing his military duty, he officially returned to Japan

a naturalized Japanese

You have over a million subscribers and you’re not a full-time YouTuber yet

Apart from that, I can sleep well if I turn it on when I sleep

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